Saturday, March 1, 2014

Anyone else agree ?

How is this the same baby that used to be in my belly ? I didn't even know what his face looked like, now I miss it when I'm away. Those fat cheeks, cute little lips, those BIG ole eyes that stare at me like, "Mommy, just one more cookie?"and that big curly fro that we can't keep contained in a hat. Oh, Adrian! Why must I let you sucker me into singing the silliest songs, the dopiest dances, and giving a sip of my Starbucks today (just one sip, had to buy him a cake pop because momma felt guilty *sad face*) !! 

I have a different few on children, the role they play in our lives, the "Aren't you to young to have a kid?" question, and more .. I am overwhelmed daily by the feeling I get every morning when Adrian wakes up, smiling at me. I'm obsessed with this life, I can't get enough of those kisses that I have to steal. I would never go back, seriously. This life isn't easy nor perfect - but it's so worth it just for a loud call of your new name, "MOMMMMY!" and when you answer, they have nothing but a shoe to give you, like it was that serious to scream your name for this busted shoe you were trying to forget. It's just WORTH everything when you have a little human throwing dirty clothes in the wash, jumping up to close the microwave, or most importantly - finding your keys :D 

I realized that I DON'T have to meet anyone's expectations of what makes a good mom, and I am not the judge of what a good mother is (take notes). You don't NEED anyone's advice. Don't you hate when you tell someone a story about your child, and they respond, "Oh well, Benjamin (random prestigious name) was walking at 9 months, you should try..." Like no - pause - hush , I didn't ask. The one thing I LOVE about being Adrian's mother, is that I'm in control, I run the show *hairflip* . Just because my 1 year old isn't saying full sentences doesn't mean he's slow, just because he's not potty trained yet doesn't mean he'll never grasp the concept of using a toilet ! 

I think as moms we feel so strong about our kids, that we feel like WE HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS. No, not true ma'am. We just know what works best for ours, and who's to say that other methods wouldn't have worked just as well ? I love how free I'm becoming. I'm experiencing new things with him, and he's not alone in his growth. As much as it surprises him that his shoes don't fit anymore, surprises me to. 

Have a blissful day, don't let anyone ruin it ! xo

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