Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sleeping Beauty.. Sike

It's been a good day. I have to admit, it really has.
Yesterday my hubby left his phone on top of the car (you already know where this is headed) & we totally heard something fall, but we thought it was from the car in front of us. It turned out to be his phone !! He was upset , but he's so positive that he basically just got over it. It was a, "nothing you can do about it," type of thing to him. 
Today, I told him let's go to AT&T just to see if they could do something. Anything ! I mean he had to have a phone .. LONG story short, we ended up getting 5s's today, and cases (otter boxes at that) , warranties on both phones AND not having to pay anything. The lady we met today helped us SO much - she was so nice and we literally we're only in the store for 20mins . 
*sigh* I am so thankful for situations like these & people who actually CARE. After that we went gym shopping, looking for the perfect gym. One life has a kids club which we liked. We grabbed lunch (previous posts), then rested our bodies. I have been so tired recently. Besides working late, I can never get a full nights rest because I'm awaken in the morning and can never get back to sleep. So I'm always in and out of sleep, and when I try to nap - that's a fail to. On top of all that - Adrian won't stop waking up early now. So now we're trying to get him back on his schedule so he can get the rest he used to get. Poor thing wakes up so easily sometimes .. So excuse my designer eye bags. 

I've had so many stressful things on my mind - it feels good to have a day like this. I pray for more days like this :) enjoy my plain face , xo 

- blogging from my phone, I kind of like it ?

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