Monday, March 24, 2014

Love, I Love You

My husband turned 22 the other day (March 21st). It's so hard to believe I've been celebrating birthday's with him since high school. I remember bringing him cupcakes and goodies to school - I felt so cute bringing him a big bag full of things he likes. I've always gotten him a bag of things I know he likes. Prior to his birthday this year we picked up things he's been eyeing for awhile, and on his actual birthday all we did was go out to eat ! He just wanted to spend his day with me, and I couldn't argue with that *blushing* I mean I'm awesome, come on.

I could NEVER imagine giving my all to anyone else but him. There's this connection that I can't show or describe in words, through pictures, or social networks. I just appreciate his life, his soul, his character, he's the type of person I wish I could be sometimes. 

He loves me the way "I" need to be loved (Lord knows it takes someone special to deal with me 24/7). He deals with me the way I need to be dealt with. He's patient and kind without being a wuss. I can't help but respect him for who he is and what he's done for me.

We're not perfect, and this isn't that cute tumblr love story or anything - I'm just a regular woman, in love with an regular man that I see as extraordinary. 

I LOVE YOU, pop ! It was fun celebrating the least fun birthday number with you. I mean really, 22 is so awkward. It's like turning 17. It's not special but it's still a birthday so we count it. Geez.. come to think about it the next exiting birthday won't be until you're 30. OMG. We are old .. well I'm 20 - I still have my 21st and.. OKAY - I'm rambling, have a good day everyone.


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