Thursday, November 20, 2014

Yogi & Big Boy Clothes +

Virginia's "Fall" Weather <<<

I'm having a love/hate relationship with this weather. I'm so sensitive to cold weather! I keep having days where I dress for it to be freezing cold, and it turns out to only be a little chilly. Then it'll be freezing, and I'm only wearing a light jacket. I hate Virginia, sometimes! Jonas has been so sick, I took him to the doctor yesterday because I thought he had whooping cough. The doctor reassured me that the chances of him getting it is rare, since I had my whooping cough vaccine during my 3rd trimester & tdap shot. He's actually doing a lot better now, but before he was extremely congested and had the worst cough ever. Pretty safe to say I was a devastated mommy! Hate when my babies are sick.. then to  top it all off I was sick AGAIN with a low grade fever. I believe my immune system is getting weaker because I've never been this susceptible to colds, fevers, flus, etc. 

^^ Before we went to the doctors ^^ . He's only 2 months, but he looks so much bigger than what he is! People laugh when I tell him he's a little over 14lbs right now. We've also upgraded to 6/9 month clothing. Hence the cool, big boy outfit ;)

Big bro insisted the first thing he wanted to do that morning was put on his "ba-pack" (backpack). Full of cars and any other little items he can find. 


Moving on to today, I got Adrian a new cup today which he loves so much. He'll drink gallons of water out of this thing. The cup doesn't have a spout, it's almost as if he was drinking out of a real cup. And although he CAN drink out of a real cup, sometimes just having a good cup around helps monitor messes. And unless you have more than one kid.. you probably don't understand what I'm saying. OR you may, depending on how messy your cute, little one is ! ^_^

We love to dance.

Today wasn't anything special. I got up and got a few things from the store for the kids. Big pack of diapers, some pull ups, formula, Adrian's new cup. I can not wait for the holidays, this weekend I'm going to get our tree! Hubby is okay with a white tree, I'm so happy. We rarely have to compromise because we usually are okay with everything. (Thank goodness, because I was not going to let my white tree go, lol). The kids and I napped at the same time.. that sleep was the BEST. Only reason why I woke up is because I heard little tiny feet pitter patter across the floor aka Adrian. I think our days are chill for the most part. I rarely blog about when we actually go out because I forget to bring the camera ! I may invest in a new camera.. I'm looking at the sony a5000, just smaller but still good picture quality for quick images. Right now I have a Canon t3i, it's heavy and I don't know how to work it to great (my husband knows all the manual controls better than me)(he has to teach me every time lol). 

This is the best snack ever, well.. in Adrian's eyes. Instead of buying the little cups of greek yogurt for 1.00+ , just get a container of greek yogurt. I get vanilla. Plain has no taste, and the ones with the fruit inside get yucky quicker for some reason. I also always have frozen fruit in my fridge, so whenever I run out of fresh fruit I thaw out frozen fruit and put that on top of his "yogi". 

He ate this while I cooked some dinner (carbbian jerk chicken breast, rice & greens. so effing bomb!!!)

He makes it look like ice cream.


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