Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Where Have You Been??

Hello, Love!

It feels like it's been forever since I've written on my blog. I've been restless and tired, and most importantly putting my family first. My husband has actually picked up on the slack, since I'm working as well and our schedules collide so he understands how tired I am once I'm off, especially with the boys. I have also been sick! For about 3-4 days I was so ill. Domo bought me cough drops, Nyquil, and everything else I needed just to survive. I'm feeling way better now but it was the WORST.

I was feeling so sick I could never get out of bed (and hubby lets me rest, so I'll find myself waking up in the afternoon and asking him why he never woke me up). I was also queasy, so something creamy like coffee was a no-go. SO I made a smoothie! And lemme tell you, girlllllll… IF you can't get up this is your caffeine right here. Smoothies are just naturally refreshing, and if you eat a banana with it as well you'll feel awake instantly (It took my forever to get out of bed to make it, but once I did I was like DANG ?!) I like my smoothies & yogurt with granola + white chocolate chips on top. Try it ;)

I forgot to mention the babies were sick to! Adrian's still recovering, actually. This stuff (baby rub) comes in handy. It REALLY helps him breathe through his nose, and makes him comfortable. The good thing is now that he's 2, he understands how to blow his nose ^__^ 

From this morning, he loves "sleepy time" tea :)

& when you're not feeling good, Daddy spoils you with Chipotle

Hmm… what else is new? OH! Hubby finally got the job we were praying for, he is officially hired there and could've started Monday but he chose to start in Dec to give his other job time to find a new employee, etc. I'm so happy, we need the extra money so bad and it's a great job.. I'm just excited for what's in store next. The main reason why we're pushing for extra money right now is because we have big plans for this Christmas (and bills, lol) but we both agreed we want a big Christmas this year. Since Adrian understands so much more now it's going to be so epic picking out his big boy toys. Are you excited for Christmas?? I'm probably going to be the only apartment with Christmas decorations outside my door. I will definitely have a picture whenever we get our tree.

I haven't posted about Jojobear in awhile! Or maybe it's just me.. my brain processes time differently. He's been great! On his two month appointment, he was 14.23 lbs and 23 in. He's growing and growing ! It's so insane, he feels even bigger than that now. He has a consistent schedule now, I am loving this stage. At times I miss when we first brought him home - but them I'm like there's no way I could live without those smiles (or sleep..haha)! I love seeing him smile now, we can actually make him smile on purpose! He coos, and it sounds like he's talking - it's SO freaking cute. I'm not breastfeeding anymore (I miss it, dearly - i'll blog about it another day) so his poop is so yucky now, and it actually smells different as well. I miss him falling asleep on my breasts, and fighting them when he used to be hungry like, "come here you boob!I'm haaaangry!". But yeah.. he's right on track as far as his milestones. Doing everything his age group should be doing, if not more. this boy has a strong neck.. I don't know if it has anything to do with him being chubby but he's diesel ! :D


So yeah.. this is just a little quick update. Nothing major, nothing interesting.. I should've blogged on the days I was sick and had things happening. But I was to sick and lazy, even when I had something to say I just didn't feel like committing to writing or anything. I've also been judging myself, I'm so hard on myself. Then there's also things I want to blog about, but since people I actually know read my blog I just feel scared to post about certain things. But I should say F*ck it right ? I don't know :) Thanks for reading & looking at my pictures/blog <3 Whoever you are, thank you for keeping up with me and giving me love (and not being a hater). I have some really good things coming, some cool stuff in store I've been planning and talking about with the hubby.. I don't care if I have a fan base of 5, you make me want to commit myself completely. Thank you !


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