Thursday, October 30, 2014

Swaddle Bug + Rattle Books

Today is Thursday, ugh. The only thing good about that day is that tomorrow is F R I D A Y *twerks* jk. Today has been a laid back day so far, I'm actually blogging on the day I take pictures, unusual right? Well both of my boys are sleeping. Yup, I'm not lying they are in DreamLand. Jonas is so obsessed with this swaddle invention thingy. I can swaddle him with or without his hands tucked in, and it actually stays swaddled (some serious velcro action!). He LOVES being swaddled, and falls asleep almost instantly when he is. Adrian hated this thing so I'm loving that he loves it! He's been super sleepy + hungry lately, I'm assuming it's another beloved growth spurt since he'll be T W O months Nov. 4th . Two whole months since I've had my smallest Prince. I have to do a update with my body as well, because I'm sure people are interested to see how my stomach looks like (..or maybe that's just me). I hate when people tell me "You're so small!" and "You're so lucky!". I mean I take it as a compliment, but boy I wish some people could see this belly naked, sheesh. I'm just like anyone else who has two children. Not picture perfect, but I do appreciate the compliments! Helps me strive for my dream bod ;) So thank you.


One of his favorite books we went through after his bath. "Mommy! Srawwburries! (strawberries)" 

.. and when little bro is fussy, BIG BRO is here to the rescue! 
Adrian: "Ohh, no cwryin Jojo, Joooojooo, It's okay!"

Am I lame Jane or what ?! I can't help it guys.. I'm obsessed, I'm in L O V E. I love these boys. I love how tiny their hands are, and I love watching them sleep. I hate hearing them cry, it drives me nuts in the sense that I just don't want to hear them hurt or upset. Sometimes I catch myself looking at them as if it's my first time seeing them again. I made them(with the help of hubby, haha)! They came out of me, and I actually carried these babies like a Kangaroo. They're the reason my waist is bigger and my boobs shrunk. They're the reason why I gave up on purses and stash everything in a Batman backpack. I just love them.. they give me reason, purpose, and meaning. They remind me that I'm not perfect - however I'm perfect for them. Mommy has the answers. Mommy ALWAYS has a banana stashed somewhere. Mommy knows when it hurts and will kiss my booboo's (and Adrian kisses my booboo's back lol). They make me feel important because they need me. These precious little boys are mine, made just for me. I mean can you imagine if Jonas came before Adrian? And then he would be Adrian, and Adrian would be Jonas? See how wacky that looks. They are individuals and I appreciate them for who they are.

sleeping handome(s) xoxo

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