Wednesday, October 22, 2014

my big guy, A D R I A N ++

Do I really have a two year old ? Has it been two years + some months since I gave birth to my first baby (who's still my little baby, despite his age). If I could tell my pregnant self anything it would be, "If you think this is hard, wait till he turns two." There's nothing more unpredictable, frustrating, silly, hilarious and exciting as having this little one around. I wish I could emphasize little, because comparing him to other "two year olds" he is pretty little (with a BIG attitude).

Falling out in the middle of public places due to pure boredom. Classic. 


* Let's just all take a minute to laugh if you haven't laughed today. Doesn't he look like that one Pokemon ? The turtle looking one ? ^^

Monkey always needs juice to, monkey's get thirsty to, mommy.

++ Adrian Laith ++

  • If he could live at the park - or outside in general, he would. 
  • He is an extremely picky eater now (Mac & Cheese, Plain pasta, Chicken, Greek Yogurt, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Banana's, Grapes, Oatmeal are a few staples.. )
  • He's so short & skinny. When we stand next to each other, his head stops below my butt.
  • He has a passion for cars, trucks & recently planes. We have a mechanic on our hands :)
  • He has to have things in order, he puts things together in sequence & when the smallest thing gets knocked over he throws the biggest fit (His attitude is a replica of mines ^__^')
  • ^ He's very, VERY impatient. He repeats the same thing over & over until it happens.
  • HE LOVES CURIOUS GEORGE. He truly believes he's his friend in real life & at times he even sounds like George, it's so hilarious.
  • He loves his big boy toddler bed. It was never an issue introducing him to it. He sleeps around 8-9pm, and wakes up at around 8am. When he wakes up, he doesn't come out his room unless he hears one of us awake & greets us.. "HI MOMMY! HI DADDY!" *waves*
  • He is infatuated with his baby brother. Jealousy hasn't been an issue. I truly abhors when he cries & tries soothing him. He calls him Jojo & JojoBear. He always wants to hold him, show him his toys, etc. 
  • Wrestling with daddy is one of his favorite things to do when he gets off work.
  • He has his ears pierced ! He only cried 3 secs, saw his lollipop and forgot about it.
  • He understands potty training, but can't tell us when he has to go or when he has the urge. He'll pee on the potty though. Pooping is another story.....
  • If you fake cry, he'll run to you and rub your back and try holding you
  • OH! When I put him to bed, he tells me to lay down with him, and then he wraps his arms around my neck and tries to get me to fall asleep with him.. :')

There's SOOO many other things I could tell.. so many stories, but recently this has stuck out in my brain. He's amazing, he truly is, and there's never a day that could go by without me hearing his precious laugh. He's not perfect, I've had trying times before and he frequently tests me.. but the good outweighs all the bad. Each day I try overlooking the destruction/chaos, because he is only two years old. He's suppose to wonder, discover, and figure things out. Mistakes are truly mistakes at this age. I also realized a lot of the times kids this age act out, or tests you it's out of boredom. If they aren't stimulated, they find things to get into, etc - can't blame them. Because when we're out having fun, he's having a blast and doesn't have to look for things to destroy, haha. *Cheers* to this age. I want it to go slower, because I love being able to make him laugh by just making a silly face. I love this innocence. I love teaching him new things. I love reading the same Dora (yes, Dora) book over and over, with him rushing me through pages to get to the good part.. I love it. I love him. I love him !

  I could never say it enough.

He's going to be my mechanic. Ladies man. The life of the party, fusure. There's never a dull moment.. not with his energy. I see so much of myself in him, he's very..... much like me as far as my attitude. He's a go-getter. Doesn't settle for less. Very demanding. Passionate. He engulfs himself in everything he does. He's just .. amazing.


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