Sunday, November 2, 2014

H A L L O W E E N / 2014


Soooo, I'm just going to be real so that when I look back I can remember that we actually celebrated Halloween on Nov. 1st ! We didn't do anything on the "31st" , because of work schedules, etc but that didn't stop us. I'm not to fond of trick or treating since people in 2014 are tripping (just kidding). But I didn't want to bring my babies out in the cold just to get some candy when we could stay warm, watch halloween movies, eat candy and just chill with family & friends. I went to my sister's to help her decorate and set up at her house. SURPRISINGLY everything went according to plan (except our jello worm shots we tried to replicate, thanks Pinterest.)

Was the decor on point or what ? So in love with the pumpkin lantern. What do you guys think ?

Yes.. they're real. (lol if you know what I'm talking about *high five* *butt smack*) 
("when you see it you'll poop bricks" moment)

We also cut out masks for the kids to decorate. Stacey (my sister) made Milah (my niece) a kitty mask, I put the mask on and said, "RAWR!" and she goes, "Ohh you're not scary...You're just a KITTY!". How hilarious is that? Being 21 never felt so old.. because once your 5 things just don't scare you anymore, DUH. Adrian was thrilled to be the pumpkin of the group. "Ooooh PunKIN". I'm not sure if he understands Halloween but it sure felt good to see him playing the role of a pumpkin! (Because being a punKIN is a hard job with a low paying salary of to many kisses from mommy)

My sister was Alice in Wonderland, I'd say she did a pretty good job. HAHA.

The kids ALL participated in the activities my sister had planned. I was surprised that they all waited to get their big heads measured for their masks, and even sat/stood by the table to decorate them! I helped Adrian decorate his pumpkin, but as you can see he went a little crazy with the glitter (good or bad thing? haha). 

It's not a party without Pizza and fried chicken, duh.

Gnarly cupcakes made by my sisters, brother's, fiance. Yes, you read that correctly.

me + sissy + Jojobear :)

THANK YOU for taking the time to scroll through this post. I hope your Halloween was full of candy and fun like ours was. Holidays aren't what people make them, it's what they MEAN to YOU. Just because you celebrate Halloween doesn't mean you're going to hell.. People blow things out of proportion to often. Make the holidays fun, who cares if your definition of fun is different than what that holiday really means. To me, Halloween is just about scary fun. You won't catch me in NOBODY'S haunted house.. but you WILL catch me with bags of candy, watching Curious George Boofest, and laughing with my family and friends dressed up as...myself usually - but you get the point ! Make them mean something to you, who cares, you know? Anyways, HAPPY HALLOWEEN, Happy Fall, Happy November - LOL !


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