Friday, March 14, 2014

Yesterday, through iPhone

I never used to go out to eat as a child, if we did it was rare and nothing extravagant. This never bothered me because I had other siblings, and we weren't made of money - so my memories are filled with LOTS of filipino food, rice and leftovers (which was fine by me). Anywho, yesterday was amazing ! If it's anything I spend money on it's food. There's nothing food can't do for me. It's comforting, delicious, and I'll stop there cause I'm drooling. I didn't even go anywhere special yesterday , just good ole' Jason's Deli because I needed a GOOD lunch before work - not that fast food crap.

God made salad bars for me ! I love putting a salad together. Especially when I have a lot of options. Would you believe there were raisins, almonds, granola, bacon bits, and other sweet/salty combo's in my salad ? I'm brilliant, best salad I've ever made.

Spicy Seafood Gumbo. It has rice, shrimp, okra, and other yummy goodness in it. It's not from New Orleans but it's good ! The flavor isn't to spicy, and although I KNOW it's frozen and not freshly made, it's delicious for right now! *middle fingers up*

*cough* How did this pic get in here ? I couldn't help but get some FREE ice cream.. especially after I was dreadfully full. I put my body through hell.

AND this is what I had for "dinner" at 12am. I worked overnight yesterday and my fellow ladies I work with all brought ingredients to make ourselves some taco bowls ! Kidney beans, corn, tomato, red onion, hamburger, lettuce - I was so full my stomach felt like a rock. I'm totally making this again ! Except with ground turkey next time.

He'll only drink this organic milk now ! Try and make him drink milk at home ? Nope, he's over it. Expensive taste, I see.. 

So that was my yesterday, according to my mediocre iPhone photos. I have yet to see a difference between the 5c and the 5s, but nonetheless, I like my 5s. Better than seeing bright pink everyday. I hope you enjoyed this random food posts. Oh yeah ! I went to Vitamin Shoppe yesterday, anyone familiar with Quest bars ? They're really popular, I think I'm going to try some. 21g of protein ? Whewww. 

Until next time, xo 

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