Friday, November 6, 2015

anxiety.. and all the above.

The days where you feel like you're drowning are the worst. As if life is literally placing a blanket over your head, tying you up and throwing you in a deep pool of water. You can't see, and you slowly start to believe that this is it. You contemplate giving up. Then you actually give up for 1-2 minutes, accepting your so called "fate". But then there's a spark in your mind that won't let you completely give up. And now, you want to come up to surface more than ever. You want to see the sun again, you want to show people you didn't let it defeat you.

That's how anxiety feels for me most days. I have this unnatural sense of worry and the feeling of being overwhelmed makes whatever is going on even MORE overwhelming. Then my heart begins to race, a slight dizziness takes over my head as I'm trying to make sense of how I'm feeling and why I'm allowing myself to become "defeated". Every sound, flicker of light, touch, bothers me when I'm in one of those moments.. and it completely sucks. The sad thing is I remember as a teenager feeling free. I remember that feeling, and I wish I never took it for granted. I want to feel free from my own brain, the mind is so powerful.. I miss worrying without really.. "worrying". I miss having tons of things to do and completing them on my own terms and still meeting deadlines. I miss being happy for no apparent reason, I felt invincible. 

Then of course life took it's course, and events happened - and here I am. Does anyone else battle with this? It sucks feeling alone, but then analyzing other mothers and I realize I'm to that much different. When you have 2 or more kids at your feet doing the most annoying thing possible at that very moment and you know they're not doing anything wrong they're just being kids - but your heart is racing and dinner is burning in the oven because you forgot you were even cooking dinner.. *gasp* yea..

The only way to overcome any of this is with love and patience (cliche). Sometimes in order to overcome these moments (on the occasions where I can actually regain my control over my thoughts) is to block out those negative thoughts. Block out the expectations, and the list of things your brain is formulating in your head. And just do the damn thing. When your kids are fighting over a toy they haven't picked up in months and you're to exhausted to discipline - LET THEM HASH IT OUT. Pick your battles, because you can not control everything (my issue). Sibling rivalry is normal, and sure it hurts to see the oldest one not sharing when he/she knows better - but then it hurts even more to see the little one being a total brat and crying SO loudly (youngest child probs). Try and think about how you felt when you had cat fights with your siblings. Mom and dad weren't there to break it up and choose a child to hand over the toy. A lot of the times those situations end up being unfair because our backs are turned and we didn't see what happened. IGNORE IT. 

However.. if a little one is just standing in the kitchen while you cook, not bothering you but opening cabinets.. JUST LET EM'. 9/10 just being around you is enough and the cabinets are quite interesting (those really open and close?! yay!).. If it's not effecting your dinner or hurting anyone, why not ? Of course you can always throw the baby gate up but sometimes, it's okay to LET IT GO and let them have at it.. This is hard for me because I used to discipline for everything that I would not tolerate. But sometimes.. you have to realize that they'll never be under your feet again. So embrace it. And fuck disciplining all the time.. it causes chaos. And fighting every battle.. well, you'll end up killing yourself. So when it comes to that, I discipline for the serious stuff. Anything else is just worth talking about or removing them from the problem itself. 

I'm not perfect, but I know in order to love my life I have to embrace everything that comes with it. The good, the bad and the ugly .. And it gets ugly. But there's much more beauty in the chaos than we can see at the moment. I try to remember I can not control everything and everyone. For some reason being in control gives me a sense of accomplishment. So.. this is just a short entry.. my present feelings have compelled me to write a snippet. This post will surely be continued for the people who can relate and need to know that they are normal, sane, and I'm just here to be a relatable source. 

Well, off to make the kids lunch :)

And as opposed to making an ultra healthy, pinterest worthy lunch - they are having MAC AND CHEESE (kraft, not even homemade) and a fruit cup ! Also a piece of their hard earned Halloween candy. Fuck rules today, I'm a tired mommy and I just want to make them happy. (Gotta do what you gotta do, mama) (Instagram that!) Nothing beats hearing, "I love you, mommy", even if it's after you give them skittles. Those words will never get old.. 

Love you, Ris

Thursday, May 21, 2015


It’s hard battling a deep sadness you can’t brush to the side, or wash away with water. Constantly fighting with a part of your brain that convinces you that you are not worthy, something is wrong when everything feels right, and that you don’t deserve happiness. Waking up with an anxious feeling because you don’t have it all together, or there’s something else that must be done before you get your rest..

Feeling nauseous, randomly throughout the day. Obtaining a headache that just won’t let up.. And you try your hardest to avoid pain relievers. Feeling like a horrible person because while you’re smiling at your audience, you’re dying inside and you can’t figure out.. W h y. Why? Why me ? Why must I be so odd that I feel this way?

In the midst of that darkness is happiness.. There are reasons to be happy and forget about that anxious feeling your experiencing. At this time, listen to your heart. When it says, “I love my life but….” - take the “but” out and listen to your heart. Leave it at, “I love my life” and ignore any excuse or reason as to why you wouldn’t. Listen to your heart I’m your darkness. Your mind is usually the one telling you the reality of your situation. Your heart tells you about the things you love. The things you have passion for but to lazy to do. Your brain will tell you “this sucks” But your heart will tell you why it doesn’t. It’ll tell you that how you’re feeling is wrong and it deserves to feel warmth and happiness again.

Listen to your heart when you feel the feeling of depression creeping up on you, making you not want to get out of bed. Listen to your heart when it tells you to get up, make some coffee because you deserve it and turn on your favorite tv show..
Listen to your heart, for once. For yourself. For your sanity.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

I have so much to blog about I don't even know where to begin !!

Friday, May 1, 2015


I know people, well.. those who care to read my my blog or have read it before are wondering where the hell I've been. I've asked myself that, actually. Life - honestly. I completely invested myself into my youtube page, and then slowly migrated to just enjoying my life. Because as you know, bloggers don't have lives - apparently ;) But no seriously, life has just taken over me.

So many things have happened.
I'll talk about them all, one post each, every emotion and event I've went through.
I'm so sorry for neglecting you, readers. All I need is love and support and I miss having that !

Monday, February 2, 2015

Missing You !!

Hola, peeps !!!!

Are you still coming to blog to check if I've posted anything new? I've been so busy, loves. With life, love, my boys, and other things that you will find out about as I get back into this. It's hard being consistent because I get distracted and discouraged. At times I wonder, why am I exposing my life? Then the other half of me loves hearing that people can relate to me!

Anyways, I'm suppose to be getting a new blogging camera soon (thank you, Hubby wubby). Any suggestions? I'm currently stuck on getting the sony a5000, it has a retractable lens & a view finder which is awesome. I need a new camera because I hate vlogging on my phone and my canon is way to huge to carry around with me in public without getting stared at !

So there's going to be some great things coming soon… I moved ! I can't wait to give you guys a little tour, it's a lot of things I'm excited for you guys to view this year of my family & I. So please just bare with me loves.
